About Us
Who We Are
CDLTruckDriverJobs.com is the official online truck driver job search engine. Our goal is simple; to be the most effective online job search tool for drivers.
What We Do
We help cut through the job search clutter. Drivers can narrow their job search by haul type, trailer type, route, and location. Drivers can also search by home-time and pay to find the exact job they desire. Drivers can also narrow it further to only find jobs they qualify for, saving them time and effort.
We work with the top Trucking Companies, connecting drivers directly to both companies and recruiters. It’s time for drivers to stop job hopping. Truckers can find their next driving job with us, and settle in for the long haul!
Why We Do It
We do this because we know drivers. Our staff has a collective 35 years’ experience in recruiting drivers and online recruiting. We understand driver behavior, and most importantly, we appreciate drivers because we know how crucial their role is in keeping America going. Drivers are their own breed of tough.